sweet, energetic boys are Five!!!!
You are my warrior. You are strong and so athletic. You shoot a basket like no body else I know. You also love me with all of your might frequently proclaiming mommy is your favorite. You are smart, and so seriously funny. You never fail to make me laugh. You have a confidence in yourself I wish I had, and have no problem saying "yes" when told by others your cute, smart, etc. You mess with your brother non-stop, but you stand up for him too. You are currently all about batman! You say you're not a picky eater, but oh my love you so are. You are an amazing big brother to Adeline and you love her so. You want to spend all of your time playing with big sis Ella, but comply when she doesn't feel like it. You would spend all day jumping into the pool (a new skill you learned this summer!) You can be so very shy, until you know someone and then you talk nonstop. You have the biggest blue eyes that I have ever seen, and use them frequently to show different facial emotions that often provoke a giggle from those near by.

Aiden-You are my quiet, sweet, little man. You are an old soul my sweet boy. You have an ability to notice those around you that others would often miss or look past. You know no strangers and will befriend anyone that will talk to you. Everyone loves you the moment they meet you, and would take you home with them if I'd allow it. You LOVE to perform and have asked to be a hip hopper. You will sign from the top of your lungs anytime you can. You love JESUS and will sing your heart out for him wherever you stand. You love your baby sister and have proclaimed she is a "capoodie pie." You have strong emotions and wear your heart on your sleeve. You have taken wearing your glasses and patch with such grace, often reminding me that it is time to put your patch on. You have never once complained about needing them, which is such a blessing for mommy and daddy. At this moment you are all about Spiderman. You struggle with your letters and numbers, but never get defeated by the struggle. To say I am proud of the young man you are becoming is an understatement.
Happy Birthday Sweet Boys! We love you so.....
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