Wednesday, October 4, 2017

Three short months.....

Adeline is 3 (well and 1/2 time flies) months old. At a 3 month sick check she weighed in at a whopping 13.3 lbs!!!! Unlike her siblings this girl is a chunky monkey and I love every one of her squishy little rolls.

Adeline rocks at sleeping. SERIOUSLY ROCKS!!! She goes to bed around 8:30-9 and gets up when we wake her at 7:20 to take sissy to school (one day she slept till after 9!)

(First Night in her Crib)

She currently eats 6 oz of formula every 5 hours. We also introduced baby Oatmeal and she LOVES it! Her tummy though not so much. I'm going to hold off a couple more weeks and try again (reflux stinks people....)

(Oatmeal is yummo)

She has discovered her thumb and if she is tired you can find it in her mouth! She has rolled over a total of three times, all of which I have missed. She is trying so hard to laugh a real laugh and I love hear the sweet sounds she makes when she has her little convos with us. Her hair is now long enough she can rock a sweet little pony on top her cute head!
This girl coming into our life was not planned or expected, but she has just fit into our family with such ease. I can't wait to see what the next several months bring!