November of 2016 we discovered that we were expecting another baby (to our utter surprise.) The next several months were full of planning for the baby, discovering we were expecting a little GIRL, and battling Gestational Diabetes. Having had two prior c-sections, we knew right away that this little one would also come via c-section.
Having had two prior c-sections, this should be a breeze right? I thought it should be. I knew what to expect, but when the morning came I was a mess. I was anxious, both for the surgery, and to meet this newest little person.
5:30 a.m. on June 14th we arrived at the hospital and I was taken to my room. My nurse Tiffany quickly got my IV in, got me prepped and had me ready to go back to the OR. I was ready, then reality hit and I was sitting on an OR table, alone. Bill wasn't allowed to come in while they did my spinal. As the anesthesiologist went to place my spinal I became very anxious, but Stacy (my OR nurse) came to my side and held my hand. Before long Bill was at my side, and our little girl was on her way.
At 7:59 a.m., relief occurred as I heard the sweetest sound in the world, a little cry. Adeline Marie Carlin had come into the world, and her story was fully beginning. I was so thankful she was here and doing well, and that I no longer had to be pregnant.
My last two delivery's had some complications. Ella had a rash and was taken away to the Special Care nursery. The boys being early and small, along with me loosing a large amount of blood, meant they got a quick kiss after being born and then immediately went to the NICU. Knowing this was my last and only chance, I impressed upon staff that I really wanted to have skin to skin as soon as she was born. The anesthesiologist listened and was reminding the nurses in the OR frequently that this was my plan, and to make it happen. happened. A few quick seconds of oxygen support and then this little, perfect peanut was placed on my chest. I will never forget that moment. Her eyes opening to see me and how she immediately calmed down and snuggled in. I'm grateful she was healthy and that we got to have this moment that I wasn't sure I would get to have.
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