I'm a month behind in writing my annual blog post to celebrate Ella's biggest day, her birthday. However, with three children four and under I find this to be my new norm.
February 3rd will always be one of the best days of my life, it was the day I became a mom to a beautiful black haired baby girl. On that day I would have never believed that she would be a blonde! Since that moment at 11:53 a.m. my life was forever changed with the new and exciting things she would bring to my life.
Ella is smart, outgoing and quick whited. She can make anyone laugh in a matter of seconds.She loves music and is constantly found singing, dancing or playing on her guitar. She loves all things Disney, especially princess. She loves school, swimming, and as of August 1st 2012 being a big sister. She tells me weekly that she never wants to be a mom (because she believes that being a mom equals a long hospital stay, ) but she is one of the best little mommies to her brothers. She holds them, gives them their binks and proclaims "shh shh I'm here" when they are sad. Her heart and love for others shows daily, but right now she is willing her hair to grow so she can donate it to locks for love.
Ella has learned to "stomp her feet" when she is mad, and knows how to put on the tears when she wants to get out of doing something.
She is sassy, loving, kind, and best of all, my little princess.
Happy Birthday (a month late) my darling little girl. You will always be "my baby!"

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