Tuesday, December 31, 2013

A time of THANKS and contentment....

The Holidays felt different this year. Not bad different, just different. As I sat down one night watching my kids chase each other around the house I realized something....our lives this past year have been the most joyful and stressful in all of my 31 years of life. We had just settled in to our lives as new parents with twins, me having surgery, juggling baby snuggling with playing silly games with Ella when the unexpected happened. Bill got laid off. We didn't see it coming, and I'm not sure things would have gone any differently then they had if we had known. Again my world stopped and the fear of the unknown set in. We celebrated my son's first birthday, then lost my Grandma. Then just when we got used to Bill being home 24/7 with the kids, and adjusting to that world, he finally finds a new job. This was such a huge relief and a blessing to us, but then came the fear of who will baby-sit, who will care for my babies who are my world when we are at work. Again that all worked out. At times this past year when we hit the lowest of lows it seems as though a Guardian Angle was watching out for us to make sure that although we struggled to get by things were never too horrible. We have healthy, beautiful children that know exactly how to push every button we have. The boys are thriving. Liam runs....he no longer wishes to walk as that is just not fast enough. Aiden has started taking steps and walks more and more everyday, and boy can he climb. Liam loves music....he will sing, dance, keep a beat, etc. Aiden is so methodical and must know how everything works/is put together. Oh and Ella...she is my child 100% and there is no doubt in my mind that she was sent as a gift from my mom to remind me how I was as a small child. She is the most frustrating little person at times, but I love her so much I want to burst every time I see her.

With that said...I can't WAIT for 2014. I can't WAIT to see what it has in store for us and how our kiddos continue to grow and change right before our eyes. I can't WAIT to spend time hugging and squeezing them, traveling with my family to show the kids new things/places, I can't WAIT to have quiet summer nights spent outside by a fire laughing, playing, and spending time with my husband who I love more and more everyday. We have so many things to be thankful for, and so many things to look forward to. So goodbye stress of 2013, and welcome to the New Year!

 Happy New Year and May God Bless All of you!
Aiden 16 mths

Aiden-Christmas 2013

Ella ready for her daddy/daughter dance

Halloween 2013



Liam-16 mths

Liam-Christmas 2013

Thursday, September 26, 2013

We are ONE!!!

Ok, ok I know. The boys turned one a month and a half ago. Bear with me will you, working full time and caring for three little ones takes up my time and blogging is NOT a top priority. However, it is a must. I want my children to look back when they are grown and see that I loved them so, and have a list of what my memories of our time together. So my post, albeit late, are filled with the best intentions.

The boys first year passed in a whirl wind, facing us with the highest of highs and the lowest of lows. Their birth-high, NICU time-low, home and healthy-high, my galbladder surgery/hospital stay-low, etc. On top of the basic new time with a baby ours were doubled and exhausting. Our days became so routine and the boys thrived. When sleep came Bill and I rejoiced. Ella adjusted and just when we thought all was settled Bill got laid off from his job. Shortly after we found out that my father was diagnosed with chronic lymphocytic lukemia. The kids, however, are happy healthy and adjusted. What more can parents of three little ones, and multiples ask for!!!

Aiden is my tiny little peanut, with a firey spirit. He is tiny, but stands up to anyone (including big sis) who may be in his way. He has some gross motor delays, but is getting there. Aiden has a smile that could break your heart. He loves to cuddle and play with my hair. He is my shining light on a bad day because he always greats me with a smile.

Liam is my "chunky monkey." With that being said compared to most his age he is still teeny as well. Liam is stoic and strong. He is determined and focused. However as soon as I get home from work he is running to give me a kiss and hug. His favorite place to be, is on my lap, and I relish in having him there. For I know one day he won't want to sit on his mommies lap anymore!

Life with twins terrified me, but to be honest they belong together. I can't imagine them not as a pair. They fight like boys do, but love to be together. If one is away the other will look for his brother. This makes my heart swell.

Ella has adjusted and loves her brothers so. She is caring and doting, with a small dash of bigger sister says so thrown in.

Liam-1 day old

Aiden-1 day old

Liam-1 year old
Aiden- 1 year old

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Another first has passed....

The boys are 8 months old, and I am not sure where the time with them is going. It seems like just yesterday we were finding out that there were two growing boys inside of my belly, and now they are on the move (sort of.) Both boys roll all over the house. Aiden is doing a funky sort of army crawl, and Liam can sit up all by himself. I try to take mental (and physical) pictures as often as I can because I don't want to forget those tiny steps that make them so proud of themselves.

It wasn't until we had the kids pics (Ella's 4 yer and the twins 6 mth) done that I realized that my tiny princess is becoming a young lady. She posed prim and proper with her sassy as only she can do attitude for every picture that they asked her to take. She reveled in seeing the finished project and proclaiming to Bill and I that she is a big girl now. At four she understands so many things that I'm not sure I understood at 16.

We recently celebrated both St. Patrick's Day and Easter. The first ones ever for the babies. Ella loved helping get the boys and herself dressed in their green St. Patricks Day gear. She giggled and showed her brothers all of the fish at the Newport Aquarium. Then danced her heart out to the Irish music playing at Cladagh. The boys both loved Aquarium and were happy to go along to dinner. Easter weekend allowed Bill and I to take Ella out without the babies. This is the first time since they were born, and Id forgotten how much I love spending that alone time with her, and vowed to do it more often with each of the kids. Even if is making sure that I spend the same amount of snuggle time with each, I need to make sure they know how much I love them for who they are independently. We took Ella to Kalahari, the local indoor water park, and she loved playing and swimming in the water. Easter was spent eating to much food, and hunting for eggs.

Now we look forward to warm days and outdoor fun. We can't wait to let the boys swing on the new swing set, go swimming for the first time at a pool, play in the splash pad and grass at the Greene while listening to the band, go hiking and explore local forest. While I don't want time to speed up, I can't wait to see what this summer of outdoor fun will bring.

Thursday, March 7, 2013

Better late than never....

I'm a month behind in writing my annual blog post to celebrate Ella's biggest day, her birthday. However, with three children four and under I find this to be my new norm.

February 3rd will always be one of the best days of my life, it was the day I became a mom to a beautiful black haired baby girl. On that day I would have never believed that she would be a blonde! Since that moment at 11:53 a.m. my life was forever changed with the new and exciting things she would bring to my life.

Ella is smart, outgoing and quick whited. She can make anyone laugh in a matter of seconds.She loves music and is constantly found singing, dancing or playing on her guitar. She loves all things Disney, especially princess. She loves school, swimming, and as of August 1st 2012 being a big sister. She tells me weekly that she never wants to be a mom (because she believes that being a mom equals a long hospital stay, ) but she is one of the best little mommies to her brothers. She holds them, gives them their binks and proclaims "shh shh I'm here" when they are sad. Her heart and love for others shows daily, but right now she is willing her hair to grow so she can donate it to locks for love.

Ella has learned to "stomp her feet" when she is mad, and knows how to put on the tears when she wants to get out of doing something.

She is sassy, loving, kind, and best of all, my little princess.

Happy Birthday (a month late) my darling little girl. You will always be "my baby!"