Thursday, August 12, 2010

So far behind...

We started this site to keep our family and friends updated as to the going ons of a new baby and tiny family, however as time passes it seems that I type less and less, which is problematic. I realized the other day that in all reality this web site isn't just for our loving family and friends, but more so as a record for us. Time passes so quickly and it amazes me at how quickly you forget.
As a Social Worker I spend  my time with children of all ages. Recently I aquired a 7 lb baby on my case load. As I sat there holding this child I said to myself, "Ella was never this tiny." She was though, how quickly I forgot. At 18 months she is no longer a tiny baby who wants to snuggle with her mom and dad (not that she has been that for awhile, but still.) Ella is independent, intelligent and so loving. The amount of words she can say these days astounds us both. She will say please, more, hair, mouth, nose, eyes, etc. She can easily pick out any animal that you tell her to look for, and at times will run up to the shower curtain in her bathroom, point to the turtle and say "tur tle." When Ella wants something she makes it know. She will now come and grab either of us by our thumb/finger/hand and "drag" us to her destintation. Her most favorite thing to do at night is lay on the floor with Billy and play with her sesame street house and big bird figurine. Ella weighs 22 1/2 lbs, which is still tiny for her age, but big for her. When she is tired she will say "night night" and head to the stairs letting us know it is time for bed. We sing her night night song and she now kisses us both goodnight. In the morning we are greated with not only Ella, but her arms full of her favorite blankies. When music plays she dances, when the phone rings she says, "hullo" and when she is mad she will scream at you and throw herself to the ground. It appears that toddler hood has offically hit the Carlin household. We love watching her grow and are amazed at her grace and loving spirit. We are truly rich people because no person is more blessed than we to have such a beautiful big girl!

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