Ella will be sixth months old on Monday so today she had her check up. She weighs 14 lbs 3 oz. She is 27 inches long. She is very advanced and is doing things 8-9 month olds just start doing. She is crawling (army crawl, but trying hard to get up on her knees) and has two teeth. The doctor gave us the go ahead to start her on veggie puffs. She is doing so great and we love seeing her grow.
On another note Lisa has been having some health problems and today we found out why. For the past couple of months she was having pain on her left side. It would come and go, but had been occuring more recently this past week. Billy had deviated septum surgery last Friday (and is doing well) so Lisa was off all week with him. Lisa made an appointment with her family doctor. The doctor told her she believed that it was diverticulitis, but that she wanted to have a Cat Scan done to make sure. She had her cat scan done and the results came in today. It is not diverticulitis. She has something called intussusception. Pretty much what happens is one part of your intestine goes in to another section kinda like a telescope that folds in to each other. If untreated it can lead to a cut off of her blood supply or it can gangreen. This is very rare among adults. It only occurs in 1-2 adults out of 1 million a year. 8 males to 1 female will get it. It is common in children under the age of two. Lisa's family doctor feels that Lisa will most likely have to have a portion of her small intestine removed. We go to see the surgeon on August 12th. We are both very worried, but are hoping for the best. We will keep people updated as we get more information.
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