Monday, February 20, 2012

So you are expecting must be excited....

Since May (well actually since Ella was six months old) Bill and I have been trying to have another baby. We always wanted a big family, and with my history of fertility problems we knew that it could take work to get pregnant with baby number two. After a year or so of trying on our own it was back to the fertility specialist. Since May we (well mostly I) have dealt with oral hormones, injection medications and several IUIs (intrauterine insemination). In December my hope was running low and we were doing our best to put it in Gods hands. This month had good results. I had three follicles (eggs) that matured, which for me never happens. My day to take a pregnancy test was the 26th. Christmas morning came and Ella was done with her presents. I decided I couldn't wait any longer. Knowing I was a day early I decided that I needed to know one way or the other. So up to the potty I went, Bill had no clue, and the test was taken. To my surprise both lines were pink almost immediately. I was in disbelief and yelled down to Bill. We were both filled with excitement, joy and utter surprise. Four days later, two blood test later we knew that I was 100% pregnant and that all looked well. It was time to tell Ella...she squealed in excitement. Then we told our immediate family (we waited for everyone else because we needed to make sure the pregnancy was going well.) Everyone was overjoyed, as were we..

Then it was time for the 6 week visit and ultrasound. I looked in anticipation and saw a little peanut with a heart beating strong. When the doctor said, "on no" I asked if it was missing a limb. The doctor then informed us that there were two babies. Both healthy with strong heartbeats. We were in utter shock. Although we new multiples were a possibility due to the treatments, we also knew that with the medications I was taking the chance of twins was 3%...not high odds. We left the doctor in shock, and called our parents to let them know. They were shocked and full of excitement.

Over the next three weeks we worried about the chance of one twin not growing, and how healthy they would be if they make it to full term.

Once the 10 week check happened, and all was well we announced it to our friends and family. We were surrounded by love and joy for our new blessings.

The one question everyone asked me was, "are you so excited." I'm not sure my response was what most thought they would response...I'm not there yet, but I will be. I/we feel extremely blessed to be expecting. I have wanted a family, siblings for Ella, etc, however I'm still full of fear. To those who have been pregnant with singletons there are still fears, but they seem to be less. Hearing that there were two started the immediate fear of, how will I be able to carry two. I barley fit Ella, little alone two bitty ones. How can we afford two babies at once. Will I have to go back to work. What will happen if they are very early, or sick, or if one of them can't grow in a way they are supposed to. Will my c-section be different, will they have to go to the NICU, how will our time with Ella change. Bill thinks even further and he has worried about them going to different colleges and graduating on the same day.

I will be excited when both of my babies are here, healthy and safely in our arms. I am overjoyed, but terrified that I won't be able to keep them safely inside until they are ready to enter this world.

So far all is well, baby a and baby b are currently thriving and doing well. They are the size they should be with amazingly strong heart beats. So far so good...just a few more months to go and then the true joy and excitement of having two healthy and  beautiful blessings will be here.