How quickly you have changed from our tiny little baby girl, too our tiny little toddler. You were such a surprise when we found out we were expecting you, and we loved you so. Now you find ways to melt our hearts everday. Even when you are bad and in time out you find a way to make it very hard for mommy and daddy to say no. You love Dora now and can sing the theme song. You count to 15 on your own and know all of your colors, how you can do this already we don't know. You were born so inquizitive, and this is how you have stayed. You are strong, both physically and in your will. You love gymnastics, and telling mommy and daddy what to do. You love your babies with such grace that I know one day you truly will be the best mommy in the whole world! You have started using the big girl potty and get so excited each time you go. You are in a big girl bed, but are still very unsure about it. You love church and we hope that your giving spirit grows more and more as you grow.
Im Two!
All dressed up for St. Patty's Day
Sleeping with daddy
Bouncing with Amiah
Love,Mommy and Daddy