Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Itsy bitsy teenie weenie.....
Summer is here (to some extent that is!) We spent Sunday playing in the sunshine with Ella. We went to the lake and as we walked up to the water she started screaming. We thought for sure she was scared, but we were very wrong. Ella was upset because we weren't getting to the water fast enough. As soon as she was free and able to hit the water she ran full speed ahead. We didn't have swim suits on so we could only go in so deep, but she had a blast splashing and playing with the sand. We got home to an 85 degree afternoon. We put on Ella's itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini and set up the sprinkler, ironically the huge deep lake was a go, but the sprinkler was not in any way.
Ella is now 20 lbs 8 ozs. Her hair is long enough that Lisa can pull her hair back into full piggy tails so today Ella got to sport her first set of real piggy tails.
Wednesday, May 12, 2010
The Amazing World according to Ella
Ella is getting bigger and bigger every day. She is finally 20 lbs and can face forward in her car seat. She loves looking out the window and waving to everyone we pass. Ella's vocabulary is growing..she now says fisssh, juice, mama, dada, papa, bye bye, etc. She talks all the time, we just can't understand her most of the tinme. Ella is able to recognize things and point to them when asked. She recognizes dogs, fish, whale, dolphin, elmo, cookie moster, etc. She will also point to her nose and show us her feet when asked. At night after her bottle we will tell Ella it is time to go night night she will run to the stairs and wait for us to take her up to bed. When the doorbell rings Ella will run to the door and say "hi." We are amazed at how much she is learning. We can't wait to see what she does next and how much more she will be able to do week by week. Here are some recent pics of Ella and some of the new things she is doing these days!
Ella got her first ice cream cone and ate it all herself. She was only a bit messy, but LOVED her treat!
Lisa bought this OSU bench for Billy for father's day. This year we finally put it out by our tree in the back yard. Ella now loves to sit under the tree and just enjoy the outside. She looks so grown up to us. 
Ella was sitting on the bench talking to the neighbors dogs.
Ella has come to realize that if you turn the knob the door opens. Thankfully she isn't quite tall enough yet to open the door! She also enjoys when we are on the other side and she can "kiss" us through the glass.
Ella used to hate when we would put hair things in or bows on her head. She now LOVES to wear her pretty headbands and bows.
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