Today we headed to Marysville for a military family picnic. Lisa's brother in law Jamie is in the National Guard. He had been away for training and came home today. His unit will be leaving for Iraq in July. Today the VFW sponsored a picnic for the unit and their families. It was a beautiful day for it! There was food, bouncy houses, snow cones, cotton candy, popcorn, blankies from Project Linus for the kids, shawls for the women...and lots of thanking to all of the men and women in the unit. Ella loved getting to spend time with her Uncle Jamie and Aunt Brenda (along with all the handsome men in their camo.!) Then we came home to work on the yard and wash the car. Billy came it to change Ella and Ella rolled over for the first time, however both of us missed how do we know it happened you say...well we left her on her back on the floor and went to get a diaper. We returned and she was on her stomach and peeing on the floor...yup we took her diaper off, realized we didn't have one and in the time it took to get one she had rolled over and peed. We are soooooo excited that she rolled over, sad that we missed it and laughing as we clean up the pee! Overall it was a great day
Sunday, May 31, 2009
Wednesday, May 27, 2009
16 weeks

We can hardly believe that Ella is 16 weeks old. She is getting so big and more animated with each passing day. Ella has offically transitioned into her room. It's been more of an adjustment for us than her, but we are excited that she is using the room we spent so much time on. She can roll to her side, but refuses to go the whole way. We know it will happen one day, but we aren't in a hurry! Ella laughs more and more each day and we love hearing the sound of her joy. It makes all the craziness that goes on day to day just disappear. Ella loves to be outside. Lisa will take her out on the front porch and Ella will just sit on her lap and look around. Next week Ella offically turns 4 months old. She will get her 4 month shots (which we are not looking forward to) and we will also get to find out how she is growing! It seems like just yesterday she was born...we don't know where the time goes, but we are loving it more and more each day!
Monday, May 25, 2009
Fun at the Lake
Today we took Ella to the lake for the very first time. It was in the 80's so we decided to put her feet in the lake for the first time. At first she was unsure and got a bit upset, but after a second she decided it was actually a ton of fun. She spent time splashing her feet in the water and digging them in the sand. We can't wait to go back and put her swimsuit on her so we can take her in a bit deeper!
Happy Birthday Grandpa/Memorial Day
Yesterday we went to Marysville to have Ella's 3 mth pictures taken and to celebrate Lisa's dad's birthday. Ella was not cooperating for her pictures and didn't smile at all, but of course as soon as wel left she was nothing but smiles....We also went out to the cementary to visit Lisa's mom's grave and take Ella to "meet" her grandma. The day was complete with homemade apple pie that Lisa made, but Billy won't eat! Today we are thankful for the men and women who make this country safe for us and our little girl. We are especially thankful to our family members who have served and are currently serving. Next Sunday we are going to a family day with Lisa's brother in law Jamie who is back from training with the National Guard...In October he leaves for Iraq for a year...and we hope he will come back safe and sound!
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Walk and Pictures with Mommy
Billy and I took a walk the other day with Ella. She loves the baby bjorn so Billy put her in it and off we went. This was the first time we went out with Ella while she had on her sunglasses. She left them on and seemed to enjoy wearing them. We also discovered that Lisa is the one taking all of the pictures so we got some pictures with Ella and her to prove that Mommy was around! Ella is sitting up now with the assistance of a boppy. She has such great control of her neck and back muscles. She has also discovered that she can "bounce" in her jumperoo. Although she can't quite touch she moves her legs to bounce. She has also discovered all of the toys. She can't get the piano keys in enough yet, which frustrates her, but she loves when we make them play.
Sunday, May 10, 2009
3 months old/Mother's day
Ella turned 3 months old on May 3rd. She will be 14 weeks old this Tuesday. She is talking a ton and loves to play. She recently decided that she does not like her swing. It was taken down and put into storage. Replacing this, however is a brand new jumperoo. She is still a bit small for it, but so far she seems to enjoy it. She is trying hard to roll over, but so far she just hasn't mastered it. She is sitting herself up when on our laps. She smiles at us when we come up to her. She also slept for the first time in her crib. It was an adjustment for Billy and I, but she seemed to love it. For mother's day Billy and Ella bought Lisa a diamond necklace and they are taking her to the Melting Pot for dinner. Ella enjoys playing super baby with her daddy. She has also discovered that it is fun for her to pull Lisa's hair.
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