Another beautiful day. We spent some time outside just on the porch and Ella got to play in her pack n play again. Lisa goes back to work tomorrow and is having a hard time so we tried to enjoy the fresh air and sunshine and to de-stress. Ella got to wear another adorable summer outfit so of course we had to take pictures!
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Saturday, April 25, 2009
Thursday, April 23, 2009
I laugh you laugh we all laugh
Here are two video links of Ella laughing. On one Lisa was on the phone with her dad so he got to hear it. We think it is the greatest sound in the whole wide world.
Sweet Sounds in the Carlin House
Lisa wasn't feeling great today so Billy stayed home from work to care for Ella. She was laying on the floor and we were playing with her. All of a sudden the sweetest sound rang through the house. Ella laughed a real laugh for the first time. She did this several times to prove it wasn't a hoax. We love seeing her change and grow. She is trying to roll over so we think that the next milestone will be her rolling over on her own. We are trying to capture her laugh on video. Once we succeed we will post the video!
Wednesday, April 22, 2009
New Friend
Had to do a quick post to put up these pictures. Im not sure why we spent so much on blankies and toys. She got ahold of a dish towel and refused to let it go. She also cried anytime we turned off the tv or moved her where she couldn't see it. I think she likes the moving colors on the screen! Also Im glad to say our cat is finally accepting Ella. Tonight she layed with Billy and Ella...well I guess I should say she layed her legs across Ella. This is huge step for her and we are glad that Taffy is adjusting to not being an only "child" anymore!
Tuesday, April 21, 2009
11 weeks
We can hardly believe that Ella is 11 weeks old today. She weighs 11 lbs 2 ozs and is 23 and 3/4 inches long. We are having a blast watching her grow and change every day. She smiles all of the time and is very talkative.When we play music she "sings" along with the music. We have also discovered that she loves the television. We think the changing colors intrigue her. Whenever she is playing on her play mat and the tv is on she tries to look at it. She is trying to sit up on her own and is grabbing for her toys. We love her so much and can't wait to see what she will do next!
Sunday, April 19, 2009
First Family Outing
Small girl+Big Bed=Lots of fun
Since the weather in Ohio was beautiful yesterday. We woke up and Lisa said we should go to Hocking Hills. So we packed up ourselves and Ella and hit the road. We arrived to Hocking Hills (after driving through the hollars due to a road being closed unexpectedly.) We started at Cedar Falls and then moved on to Old Man's Cave. After walking several miles, Billy carrying Ella in the baby bjorn, we decided it was time to call it a day. We headed to our hotel and went out for dinner. After words we found a local ice cream parlor that opened in 193o. The ice cream was yummy and we enjoyed the history of the building. Once we got back to our hotel Ella ate and feel asleep...she was pooped too.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
Goodbye Day with Aunt Lori
Lisa's sister Lori is moving away to be with her husband in New York. Lisa and Lori's friends planned a big surprise going away day. Here are some pictures. It also gave Lisa an opportunity to try out our new baby bjorn. Ella loved the museum...she was very curious and looked at everything, but after awhile she got soo excited that she feel asleep in the bjorn.
10 weeks old/Lori's goodbye dinner
Ella is 10 weeks old today and she is offically teething. She has a tooth starting to come up on her bottom left side of her gum. She is a bit fussy and is constantly chewing on her hand. Lisa's sister Lori is leaving Thrusday to start her new adventure with her husband in upstate New York. Tonight we gathered all of her friends together and surprised her with a dinner. Tomorrow we are taking her to the Natural History Museum in Cincinnati and then the girls are headed to play bingo. We also bought Ella a bumbo seat. She has been trying to sit up on her own for the last week (at times she is a bit successful!) She absolutely adores the seat and was very talkative when we put her in it. Here are some pictures of her at 10 weeks. More from the museum to follow tomorrow!
Monday, April 13, 2009

Ella had her first Easter on Sunday. The Easter Bunny brought her a bunny rabbit rattle that says "my first bunny" on it. She also got 14 outfits ranging from 3 mths to 12. I took a ton of pictures, then accidently deleted them. I will put up pictures of her in her Easter outfit as soon as I wish the spit up out of them. I do have some pictures from Lori's baptism and her bath on Easter morning. Uncle Jamie and Aunt Brenda took some pictures so we should have those up soon as well!
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
9 weeks-Update on her progress

Ella is offically 9 weeks old. Today she had her two month check up. She weighs 10 lbs 7 oz and is 23 3/4 inches long. She has gained 2 and 1/2 lbs and 3 and 3/4 inches. She also got four shots and an oral med today. She loved the oral med and sucked it out for the nurse. The nurse was very surprised. She screamed hard during the shots, but it didn't take long for her to calm down after them. The doctor checked her head control and was amazed at how strong she is! Ella loves to sit up and look around. She sits up on our laps and if we don't have her up straight enough she sits herself up higher. She loves to play and smile. Once you get her babbling she doesn't stop. She has also slept through the night the last two nights. We hope this is a consistant thing for her.
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